AMSRO Membership is open to all undergraduate students, graduate students, medical students, nursing students, residents, and fellows who have an interest in aerospace medicine and/or related areas.
AMSRO Associate Membership is available to individuals who do not fulfill the eligibility requirements of Membership.
(See More Below)
Membership in AMSRO is open to paid members of the Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA) only.
You must be a paid member of our parent organization, the Aerospace Medicine Association, in order to join AMSRO.
Select “Student” or “Resident” membership AND “Aerospace Medical Student and Resident Organization Full Member”. Membership in AMSRO is $10 annually.
Once this is complete you will receive an email confirming your membership and will be added to the appropriate mailing lists and groups.
If you do not begin receiving AMSRO emails, please make sure you are opted-in to the membership directory on AsMA and/or send a screenshot of your AsMA+AMSRO membership to amsro.treasurer@gmail.com.
- ​Types of Membership -
AMSRO Member:
Membership in the Organization shall be limited to those who have paid current Membership dues. Payment of dues will confer active Membership for one calendar year.
An applicant for Membership shall have one or more of the following minimum qualifications to be considered eligible:
(a) Be a student/resident Member of AsMA in accordance with the Bylaws of AsMA.
(b) Be a member of AsMA who is serving as an active duty military or public health service physician providing service as a general medical Officer before returning to complete a residency program.
(c) Hold any AsMA Membership status and be a student or trainee in their respective institutions, including those taking “gap years” or equivalent to advance their training or pursuing admission to further education up to two years. After a two-year period, they are required to become an Associate Member if they wish to continue being involved in the organization, until such time as they are (re)enrolled in an educational program/institution. Verification of ongoing Student or Trainee status is required for these Members.
Members are entitled to all rights of membership
AMSRO Associate Member:
Associate Membership in the organization is available to individuals who do not fulfill the eligibility requirements of Membership, as described above. Associate Members can serve on select committees but do not have voting rights. Due payment equal to that of Members is required of Associate Members