AMSRO Committees
Taania Girgla
Daniel Kaganov
Tara Nibhanupudy
Jessica Ward
This committee aims to establish and maintain a mentorship program pairing AMSRO Members to aerospace medical professionals for advice and career development and to promote peer-to-peer mentorship between AMRSO Members, and to help AMRSO Members spread the Organization’s passion for aerospace medicine by mentoring students and young people outside of AMSRO.
Military Outreach
Bryce Christensen
Lucas King
This committee coordinates military outreach programs and projects with the goal of encouraging participation and membership in the Organization.
Chapter Establishment & Coordinating
Eric Chan
Anushka Gupta
Mollie Scanagatta-Long
This committee handles recruitment, processing, management, and coordination of AMSRO chapters. It promotes the establishment of institutional, local, or regional chapters, oversees existing chapters, and serves as a point of contact for all chapter related items. All AMSRO chapters report to this committee. Additionally, this committee maintains records and reports on activities of the chapters.
Outstanding Mentorship
Nadav Ribak
Wendy Collins
This committee selects the recipient of the AMSRO Outstanding Mentorship Award, which serves to formally recognize those in the aerospace medicine community who have played an active role in educating and training future aerospace medicine healthcare providers.
Anita Mantri, PhD, Memorial Award
Sarah Wright, MD
This committee selects an award recipient for the Anita Mantri Memorial Award, in honor of our late past president, Anita Mantri. This award seeks to recognize an AMSRO Member who exhibits passion for service, engagement in the aerospace medicine community, and a drive to facilitate inclusivity and mentorship within the field. D
Andrew Lam
Gitika Gorthi
Cheryl Kam
Anella Ndoye
Curran Varma
​This committee promotes diversity in aerospace medicine by celebrating the field's existing diversity, assessing underrepresentation or inequity, working to connect isolated pockets within the field, and advocating for inclusion.
International Outreach
Dora Babocs
Britt Wiseman
Takuma Ishibashi
This committee coordinates international outreach programs and projects with the goal of encouraging participation and membership in the Organization.
Scientific Paper
Christine Schwartz, MD
Jason Vadhan, DO
Vice Chair
Ryan Lacinski
This committee selects the recipient of the AMSRO Scientific Paper Award. This is the oldest honor awarded to a first-listed author submission by a Student or Trainee to the AsMA annual scientific meeting. It is also the only award in the Aerospace Medical Association for Students and Trainees selected by other Students and Trainees
Elections Committee
Michelle Hohm
​Each year, a new Election Committee will be formed at least two months prior to the annual scientific assembly of the Aerospace Medical Association, as determined by the Executive Committee. This committee will consist of a minimum of four and a maximum of ten Members, who may be of any Membership category in good standing. Officer Candidates may not serve on the Election Committee. Outgoing Officers may serve as advisors to the Election Committee Chairs but may not serve as Committee Members or Chairs. The current acting President of the Organization will conduct solicitation for and selection of volunteer Election Committee Members as approved by the Executive Committee.
History of AMSRO
Tom Diaz
The History of AMSRO Committee aims to illustrate the history and impact of AMSRO on AsMA and the field of aerospace medicine. As an ad hoc committee, we collect and document information and statistics relating to AMSRO from its origins to present date. This includes past leadership, overall membership, events, research, demographics, collaborations, and organization growth. The ultimate goal is to contribute to a chapter within AsMA's history book, which is planned for publication in 2029, the association's 100-year anniversary.