We are the official student and resident organization, a constituent member of the Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA).
With the assembly of the International Space Station, the advent of space tourism, the expanding role of women aviators in the armed forces, and the ongoing evaluation of airline medical kits, the avenues to contribute to the related fields of aerospace medicine are expanding. The expansion of aerospace science requires a coordinated effort between medicine, nursing, physiology, engineering, psychology, and public health. Many of us have chosen a traditional field of study with an aerospace application. Depending on your location of study or training, that choice may serve to stimulate you intellectually but isolate you, also. Considering the different educational tracks of military and civilian students and residents, it can be difficult to find a central platform for exchange of related ideas despite these boundaries.
The Aerospace Medicine Student and Resident Organization (AMSRO) is a growing group of upcoming professionals in the related fields of aerospace medicine that disseminate information regarding career and educational opportunities to its membership. AMSRO provides a forum for the unification of undergraduate students, graduate students, professional students, and medical residents interested in aerospace- related fields and for the exchange of insights regarding training programs, research opportunities, and general career development. As the official student and resident affiliate of the Aerospace Medical Association, it provides guidance to the Association on matters of interests to students and residents, as well.
Through this association and within AMSRO, there are various opportunities for participation and leadership. Officers, committees, and talented members conduct services to the membership, organize outreach programs, review submissions to the annual AsMA meeting for our annual award, and write and coordinate our two publications AMSRO News Page and the AMSRO Orbiter. Members that have demonstrated participation in these core programs can also be appointed to represent the membership on a variety of standing committees within the Aerospace Medical Association.

To advance the science and art of aerospace and diving medicine among undergraduate, graduate, medical, allied medical and nursing students, as well as among medical residents, throughout the world.
The international advocate for aviation, space and environmental medicine among students and residents.
"Aerospace Medicine" is the multi-disciplinary application of professional and scientific knowledge, training and research, to promote and maintain the health, well being, safety and performance of those involved in aerospace medicine.
To educate undergraduate, medical, allied medical and nursing students as well as medical residents about career opportunities in aerospace medicine related specialty fields by disseminating knowledge regarding practical experiences and career opportunities in these areas. This includes, but is not limited to, research and clinical opportunities in aerospace medicine, physiology, nursing, engineering, human factors and hyperbarics.
To emphasize the establishment of formal mentor-protégée relationships for organization members with recognized leaders in these specialty fields.
To represent the unique interests and concerns of students and residents as an active voice and participant in the functioning of the Aerospace Medical Association.
To foster cooperative interaction with other medical and scientific communities concerned with developments and progress in the science of aerospace medicine and its allied specialties.
To continuously increase membership, accessibility and participation internationally by active recruiting of potential members and creating and maintaining affordable options for student and resident involvement.